
Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

Let's Grab Coffee

Today is one of those days where nothing going on in life warrants an entire post, but I have a lot of little things that just need dumped in one space. Think of this post as the conversation we'd have and the topics we'd cover if you came over to hang out one evening. Or if I actually escaped my house for a couple of hours to grab dinner or coffee or something. Any takers??

So the post office is new to me. Yes, the post office. At work I've always had the convenience of mailing things right from our offices. I'd always pay for my own postage of course, but I could use the scale, postage machine, and then it got picked up right there daily. Since being on maternity leave I've had to make 3 trips to our local post office and I'm starting to feel like a regular there now. They are always so nice and didn't laugh (at least to my face) about how clueless I was the first time I went in.

Jared is coaching junior high football again this year and that started back up last week. That guy is a trooper. Works 10-hour days then goes straight to evening practices every night of the week right now. Once school actually starts it won't be nearly as tough of a grind, but it's a lot of dedication, especially at the beginning. I'm excited to watch him coach again and this season I'll have a little sidekick with me cheering him on. Speaking of that sidekick...

He is now 10 weeks old and weighing in a little over 12 pounds! He had to get a few shots this past week at his check-up which was pretty much the saddest thing ever. They really made him kinda crabby, sad and extra sleepy for most of the weekend but luckily he's his happy little self again. And I'm happy we don't have to go back to the doctor until October now- whew! I think I need the break more than he does ;)

I have a credit to StitchFix that I'm thinking of pulling the trigger on soon. I've only done one of these, way back when it was first brand new- but through my referral link I've had a credit sitting around waiting on me for awhile. I figured maybe now was a good time to try a few new things, although I'm a little clueless on what size I wear these days. May as well just give it a whirl and see if I get any winners, right? To you friends that use them all the time- am I supposed to make a Pinterest board for my stylist? I didn't do that the first time but I've noticed a lot of people mention it in their posts/reviews.

Last, but certainly not least- Happy 25th Birthday to my SIL, Kayla!! I hope today is filled with lots of sweet tea and marshmallow fluff, as much as you want ;) And I hope that you feel special and loved because YOU ARE! I'm lucky to call you family!

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