Another fabulous edition of the Currently link-up is happening today. This is always one of my favorites to participate in so you should check it out! Anne and her cohost Catherine would be happy to have you join in, so hop on over to their blogs already! ;)
Currently I'm...
Discovering: How much I love my Kindle Fire. I always thought I'd be a paper books only kinda' gal, but it's SO awesome and convenient to check out ebooks from the library this way. I get so pumped when I get a notification that there's one available for me. Plus, it's nice to have a little tablet I can use around the house for various other things. PS- Does anyone have a case for their Kindle that they love? I was eyeing this one and I might just ask for it for Christmas ;)
Celebrating: A new fresh month. I always love when a new month rolls around because it feels like I get a clean slate. It's the first full month without Jared coaching football so it'll be nice to have him around more again- I kinda' like the guy ;) Plus this month includes his birthday AND Thanksgiving so I'm pretty thrilled that November is here.
Starting: On new stickers for the holidays. It's hard to keep up some days but our Christmas and festive stuff is going to be done and in the Etsy shop soon!
Wearing: Some clothes I haven't fit into in months. Wahoo! It's taken 5 months but I'm finally back to pre-pregnancy weight and darnit, it feels good! Don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty eh... fluffy (?) but at least pants with zippers are fitting again.
Googling: All things baby food! We started T on solids last week and it has already been SO fun. I know technically they say to wait until 6 months- but he was just so hungry ALL THE TIME and our pediatrician gave us the go-ahead to start now. So I've been googling anything and everything about making baby food at home. Meal time is getting more fun and definitely messier over here ;)
Go link up and/or tell me what you're currently up to this month!
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