
Rabu, 06 Januari 2016


What better way to ease back into blogging than by linking up with Anne and Jenna? I always love their link-up but haven't planned ahead for it in awhile but that changes today! It's one of my favorite link-ups because you get a small snapshot into everyone's world and I always find new bloggers each time, too!

So currently, I'm:

RESOLVING: To keep up with monthly goals! Instead of doing year-long resolutions I enjoy making shorter-term goals each month. I feel like they keep me on track more and are easier to stay focused on and make adjustments as needed. I'll be posting more about my goals for January this week, for any who are interested :) 

READING: The Baby Cheapskate. Jared got me this book for Christmas and I'm more than halfway through it already- with notes and post-it's just about everywhere. It's all about saving money, stock-up prices and also a reminder that this tiny human does not HAVE to be as expensive as everyone says.

ORGANIZING: A lot of things. Now that Christmas is all packed away we are tackling more decluttering and purging- like the rest of the world ;) My first focus has been our closet and dressers since we will likely be swapping some furniture around in the coming months. I want to make sure everything that goes back into those closets and drawers deserves a spot.

LOVING: Working on our Etsy shop. Amy and I are having a lot of fun with it and the creative outlet is just what I need some days. If anyone has requests on what they'd like to see in our shop soon- speak up, don't be shy!

CRAVING: Nothing in particular, much to Jared's dismay. He is awaiting the day I ask him to run out for milkshakes at midnight... so far, no go! ;) I do have a big appetite these days which is awesome- just about everything sounds good to me except chicken and brace yourselves- mexican food. I know, it's weird.

So there's my little life update in quick hits. With a home playoff game this weekend work is MADNESS- but I'm hanging on for dear life. Looking forward to catching up with so many of you soon and seeing how 2016 is starting for you. :)

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