
Selasa, 19 Januari 2016

Terrific Tuesday

It's always good to take the time and recognize the small things that add up to big things in our lives. The little things that make us smile, the silly happenings of a week or just a good meal we enjoyed recently. With the stress I've been under as of late, I definitely haven't taken the time to appreciate things like I should have but we're changing that today. There are so many terrific things going on in life even when we don't see them at first glance. Things like:

Random gifts from sweet blog friends. Emily sent me a gift for no stinkin' reason other than she's got a big heart. Plus she knows the way to mine. A cute journal, fun pencils and even a cute little surprise for Baby M! Blog friends rock.

The best crockpot soup ever. I made a few changes to this recipe if you're interested (no chili beans; added a diced yellow onion and a couple diced bell peppers; I don't shred the chicken at the end, I just cube it before adding it to the crockpot.) I LOVE that this is a hearty meal with protein, veggies and a healthy carb. It tastes even better as leftovers :) 

Our treadmill! We ultimately decided that the gym is becoming less and less convenient for us and knowing that come June there will be even less time/motivation to get there, we invested in a treadmill for our house! It's so much easier to pop outta' bed and get a quick workout in, or watch a TV show (or three...) in the evening while getting in some cardio. No excuses now!

My guy. As always, hanging with Jared is my favorite part of the day every single day. I love coming home to him and whether we're pursuing dreams together or just curling up with a good Disney movie- there is no other person I'd rather spend my days with. And just for fun, a throwback photo to us in January 2008- EIGHT January's ago?!! Time flies.

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