
Senin, 08 Februari 2016

Food Coma

Happy day-we-all-wish-we-weren't-at-work! ;) I am officially still in a food coma from last night. Entirely too much chips and dip was consumed but that's really what the Super Bowl is all about, right? 

We didn't have a big party or anything this year, but we had Caleb and Kayla over for some pre-game board games, food and lounging around. It was a much overdue game session for our foursome. The guys beat us in Sequence (lame) but I came out on top for Monopoly which was definitely a first so of course I needed a photo with all my money ;)

Even though I was rooting for the Panthers to win, I was rooting more for a good game- and I don't really feel like we got that. It was sloppy football on both sides and just not that exciting for me overall. I thought Lady Gaga KILLED IT on the National Anthem, and I can't help it, I loved her outfit and look. Very "her" but not too crazy/weird. Halftime show? Eh. It felt shorter than normal and while I can appreciate each of those musical artists, it felt weird to have them all mashed together in the same show. I could have probably just enjoyed a full Bruno Mars show and been good.

Thoughts on the commercials? Another "eh" from me in this category. Not that many funny ones. The Doritos/baby one was equally funny/creepy to me as someone who is currently pregnant. And I also liked the other Doritos commercial with the dogs sneaking into the supermarket. Probably more so just because I liked all the dogs.

Super Bowl 50, you were a bit boring for me- for all the hyper surrounding the golden year and all that. But hey, maybe I'm just bitter since I know the Bengals could have beat both those teams playing last night ;)

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