
Selasa, 02 Februari 2016

Goals for February

I'm back to check in with my January goals and set new ones for February. It's the only way I stay on top of things, I swear. I love reading what other people's monthly goals are too, so if you post about yours be sure to let me know so I can check 'em out and we can cheer each other on. Also, I think I've asked this before- but is there a goals link-up out there somewhere?? In January my goals were:

- Get rid of something every day. This was actually tougher to remember to track, but I'd say I nailed it. We got rid of SO MUCH STUFF, and I did a better job of keeping up with clutter on a day-to-day basis, rather than waiting until there was a giant pile of mail to go through or 7 loads of laundry that needed done at once ;) There were multiple trips to GoodWill and massive amounts of junk just pitched. There is no better feeling than seeing clutter leave your house!

- Finish and order our Disney photobook. Didn't quite get there. Lots of progress, but didn't finish. I apparently take a ridiculous amount of photos on Disney trips.

- Push myself to stay active. I feel like I deserve a yes on this one as well. Coming off the chaos of December/holidays I knew I needed to make working out more of a priority this month. With our purchase of a treadmill it's much harder to put off a work out. I averaged 3-4 workouts a week in January and got my daily step average back up. Hoping to do even better in February!

- Go on a fun/unique date with Jared. While we spent a lot of quality time together, I don't know if I can classify any of our outings as a unique date. It's hard in the winter to want to be out and about; and to be honest? Our at-home date nights are just too fun sometimes! We still need to get out more so there's always next month ;)

Baby Related Goals:
 Buy a crib
 Find out if we're having a boy or girl - BOY!
 Start brainstorming some nursery ideas - We have a theme and I can't wait to pull it all together.
 Start writing in our baby book - This is the best baby book ever, seriously. It's so cute and quirky; Jared and I are both having fun writing answers in it PLUS it goes all the way until the child's 2nd birthday. Love!

So apparently I rocked all things baby this month and not quite so much the other items. For February, let's see how well I can do on the following goals:

- Meet with a financial advisor.
Another item Jared and I have put off for months but really want to do soon. We feel like we're in a good place but would love the expert's insight, especially with a little one on the way.

-Make a big, fat extra mortgage payment.
We are committed to making an extra mortgage payment each month and I hope this month we can reign in our spending and put a solid chunk down. We made a large payment in January which felt great; I love seeing that number go down. It's a big number but every little bit extra adds up to savings in the long run.

-Finish and order that photobook.
No excuses, it needs to be done this month! How will I ever keep up with baby pictures if I can't get all our vacation photobooks done before he gets here?!

-Steam clean our carpet.
This is mainly for our baby's room, but if we're going to rent a steam cleaner we might as well go all out and deep clean the whole house while we're at it. Fingers crossed it'll make a big difference.

-Write 15 blog posts.
I have all these ideas and plans for the blog and often lack the discipline to sit down and actually write them or take the necessary photos for them. I only blogged a handful of times in January and really did miss it, so I'm hopeful that February gets me back into the routine of blogging 3-4 times a week and keeping up with everyone's blogs, too.

Baby Related Goals:
-Get my 1st prenatal massage. Jared bought me this package back in October and I am officially ready for some pampering!
-Start looking at various hospital classes and decide which ones to attend. Yikes!
-Paint the nursery. There are SO many blues, but I think we're narrowed it down.
-Work on our registry. We started one and added some of the 'easy' stuff but definitely need to do our research on a lot of the bigger items still.

Cheers to getting stuff done! :)

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