
Rabu, 02 Maret 2016


It's that time again- my favorite link-up each month! Linking up with Jenna and Anne today 
for another edition of their "Currently" series.

Wishing: For warm weather and maybe a million dollars would be nice as well. That's not too much to ask, right? I'm ready for spring temperatures, open windows and flowers. I'll take the allergies in exchange for that- I don't even care, this girl is just tired of the cold! 

Craving: I feel like my sweet tooth has kicked it up a notch lately. I'm sure the girl scout cookies that came home with me from work yesterday aren't helping anything. My favorite are the Samoas, but I love me some Tagalongs too! I refuse to admit how many boxes I ordered...

Going: On vacation soon! If you missed it, we're doing a trip to Savannah and Hilton Head for our last "hurrah!" pre-baby and Jared and I are counting down the days until we hit the road. We're looking forward to a relaxing week away from the world; I can't wait to rent our bikes and explore the area again- I know we're going to have a blast!

Wearing: Maternity work-pants, finally. I was getting by with my regular dress pants up until this week and I had to call it quits on them. They just got too uncomfortable by the end of the day. Luckily, that coworker who hooked me up with tons of hand-me-downs had 4 great pairs of pants that are comfy and look like new. Score!

Learning: To not be so hard on myself over things that don't really matter. This is something I feel like I've always struggled with. I'm a wannabe perfectionist and news flash- NO ONE is perfect. Certainly not me, not even close! And that's okay! If me and my family are happy and healthy and safe, what else can a person worry about? 

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