
Jumat, 29 April 2016

Dear Friday, Where did April Go?

Dear Friday, Thank you for finally showing up. For staying free of plans and for welcoming me home tonight after work. I need you, big time.

Dear April, You on the other hand... you flew by, what the heck?! I don't even know what happened this month or where my days went. On to May, I suppose! 

Dear Bengals, Loved the pick last night! Everyone loves to hate and complain, but I'll leave the drafting to the experts and just get excited about the season as a fan. Can't wait to see who else we draft this weekend. Welcome to Cincinnati, William!!

Dear Kitchen, Watch out. This pregnant lady is on a mission to tackle some freezer meals this weekend and I mean serious business!

Dear Jared, I promise I'll attempt to look halfway put together when we go on a date Saturday. The closet is slim pickins' these days but we'll see what I can come up with. Either way? I can't wait to have a night out together! If only that night could be on the beach...

Dear Little Man, We are so in love with you already it's not even funny. It's so fun picturing life with you and we can't wait to welcome you home. We are going to be super cool parents, promise. Just like you will be the perfect newborn who sleeps through the night immediately and never cries. ;)

Dear Blog, It is getting more and more difficult not to type our baby's name on here. I still can't decide how I feel about sharing it publicly on the blog... but I feel close to caving, haha!

Happy Weekending, everyone!!! 

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