
Kamis, 21 April 2016

So About that 30 Before 30 List

Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes yesterday! Between those, some birthday donuts from a coworker and a super special gift from Jared it was a wonderful way to celebrate turning 29. It was also apparently a wonderful excuse for any relative of mine to post embarrassing, childhood photos of me on Facebook. I'm pretty sure I looked like a boy for a loooong time (despite the number of ruffles on my outfits) so maybe I'm getting a sneak peek of what my little boy is going to look like?! ;)

My birthday also reminded me that I should check in with that little 30 before 30 list I started a few years back and see where I stood with things. Most of the things I've crossed off have links back to relevant posts about them. For those interested, here's the breakdown of where I'm at on this checklist:

- 12 of the items are completely crossed off the list.
- 6 of them are works in progress that will for sure be done before I turn 30.
- 5 haven't been started, but 100% CAN happen in time.
- 5 items that would be incredibly hard to accomplish, but aren't totally ruled out.
- 2 items that just aren't going to happen pre-30th birthday.

The five that need to happen are easily attainable and probably the ones I'll start with first. I need to totally give up pop for 60 days straight. While I drink far less than I used to, I want to cut it out completely and I'm hoping two months without will totally break me from the habit. Also in this category is to crochet a gift from someone, get involved in our church, regularly donate to charity and treat myself to a day at the spa. I think I'm saving that spa day as a celebration for my birthday NEXT year. It just makes sense.

The five items that would be tough to accomplish? Hey, I'm not ruling them out but at least I'm being realistic about them. A baby on the way makes a few of these things less practical. Maybe if I can cross off some of those easier ones I mentioned I'll feel the motivation and drive to cross them all off. I figure there are 12 items in the not done/not sure of category so why not try to finish up one each month??

If you've been around here any time at all you know I love settings goals and making lists. I truly feel like it's the only way I can challenge myself to actually do things I want to do. My list ranges from big, monumental, life-altering things, to silly personal things I've always want to try and achieve. Do you have a list like this? What should I do when this one is finished?? I don't think I can bring myself to make a 40 before 40... that just seems too far away!

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