
Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

A Random Life Update

First and foremost- thanks to everyone who read my massively long, three-part birth story I finally posted. It was truly therapeutic to write it all out and while I wasn't sure at first if I should post it all, I am 100% glad I did. So many of you have had similar experiences or even just an experience that didn't go how you'd hoped and I'm glad we can chat about it! It's great to talk to people who have been through it and together we can hate all those people who get the easiest/best birth stories ever ;) Just joking... mostly.

So since this week was all emotional and heavy I wanted to lighten things up today. It's Friday after all. The last Friday of July and do you know what that signifies?! FOOTBALL STARTS NEXT MONTH!! The past three years I've done a one time only "Football Friday" link-up on my blog, I hope you all are still interested because I want to host that again. It'll be a day to post about anything and everything football... favorite team, memories, tailgate food, fashion, you name it. Anything goes. I'll pick a day soon and be sure to let you know so you can get your posts ready :) Here is last's years to give you an idea of what I posted.
Posting this again in hopes that it will give our guys some luck!

What else is going on? Well, I'm proud to say I've started a photobook for T's first year. I knew if I waited until his first birthday or something it would never get done. And the amount of photos I've taken already is just obscene so it was nice to get a start on that. It's probably going to be my favorite photobook of all time... see below for an example of why.

Facebook/Timehop reminded me this week that it was exactly 2 years ago that I cut and donated 12" of hair! It tempted me to cut mine again, but I can't decide if having short hair with a new baby is a good or bad things- moms?? It's long now which is nice because I can throw it in a ponytail or bun every day (and let's be honest- that's what I have time for) but maybe short hair could be good too because less time washing/drying? These are clearly big decisions for my life right now.

Then the haircut led me to remembering that I have a 30 before 30 list that I should probably revisit. I've crossed off about half of them and a handful of them are still in progress, but I better get on it if I want to come close to finishing them all. I officially have less than 9 months to go- yikes!

This now concludes one of my most random posts ever...but sometimes you just gotta drain dump everything into one post and catch up with life. Happy Friday and happy weekending everyone! :) 

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