
Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

Birth Story {Part Two}

You can read Part One here if you missed it.

Once we got home Jared and I quickly finished packing our bags. They were mostly ready to go already, but I added a couple more things and tossed in my last-minute items. I had planned on taking at least a few makeup basics with me to the hospital but in our rush I completely forgot those. Let's just say between zero makeup and the trauma I went through- there are no glamorous hospital photos ha!

I had asked the nurse if I could/should eat anything and she suggested something light, since I probably wouldn't be eating much for a long while. They pretty much were preparing me for a looong induction process so I knew I should try to have something before we left. I was only able to eat a piece of toast and a little applesauce, I was too nervous for anything else at that point. We called both of our moms to let them know what was going on. They were just as shocked as we were, but excited nonetheless. We told them not to come to the hospital anytime soon, we knew it would be a long time before any baby came so we said we'd just keep them posted as anything happened.

We finally checked back into the hospital around 9:00 pm and the same nurse we "knew" from earlier was there to take us back to our room. The doctor had originally told us they'd be using Cytotec to start the induction process but when she got into the room she had changed her mind. This is the same doctor who told us we "just need to have this baby" so when she told us she thought we'd try a foley bulb/balloon to induce, I couldn't help but feel like she chose that for fun. Do you know what I mean? Like hey, we haven't done an induction this way in awhile- let's give it a try. But I'm getting off topic now...
The couple of photos/snaps we took before moving rooms.

So the balloon and an IV of fluids started around midnight. Jared and I tried to just settle in and take everything in stride at that point. We knew we had a long road ahead of us so Jared pulled out the cot in the room and we found a movie to put on. Mean Girls was my choice ;) Something light I'd seen hundreds of times and would hopefully take my mind off what was actually going on. We didn't relax long before the nurse came back around 1 a.m. and told us we needed to move rooms. It was a little annoying to get up and haul over to a new room but the new room was much larger and nicer so it all worked out.

Once we settled into the new room, the nurse gave me a one-time "cocktail" of some medicine to help me relax, possibly sleep and overall just be comfortable overnight. They also started a tiny, low dose of Pitocin. They wouldn't up that until the balloon had done it's job and had come out. I was hating all the things that were happening- none of them are ever like I imagined, but at that point Jared and I were doing okay, just getting excited and knowing that our son was on his way into this world!

I dozed in and out all night. It's hard to get rest in the hospital and the nurses were in pretty much every half hour to check my blood pressure, change fluid bags or just see how we were doing. The night nurses were all really sweet though and I was thankful that they tried to be calming and comforting when they'd come in and could see I was half-asleep. We did have an annoying IV that malfunctioned quite a few times over night with a loud, obnoxious beep- so that was frustrating to have to call the nurse each time it happened. So much for a "relaxing" night.

Finally around 8:00 A.M. that dumb balloon was OUT and the doctor was ready to up my pitocin just a tiny bit more. I was so hungry and already tired at this point, but it was setting in that this was the day we were having a baby! Jared and I snapped a few photos, updated our parents as to what was happening (not a lot) and put on another movie. Inside Out was my choice this time- Disney for the win!

A new doctor from the practice was on duty by this point and she came in around 10 A.M. She was much nicer than the previous doctor although it was still a bummer that my actual doctor wasn't there. I know that's always a very real possibility when you go to a practice with multiple doctors, but I was hoping she'd be on-call at some point. Spoiler Alert- Of the FIVE days we were at the hospital, I never once saw/heard from my actual doctor. Instead, this doctor came in and checked me at this point. I was at 4cm which definitely made me feel like things were on the right track.

After the check the doctor decided it was time to break my water which she did... I'll spare the world those details.... but 1. Ouch and 2. Gross. The end.

I think our parents got to the hospital around noon and they came in to see how things were going. I was having contractions at this point but they weren't too painful so we were fine with having some company join us in the room for awhile. We all sat around chatting for a little bit, filling them on the previous night and what all was going on. The nurse brought me a cherry popsicle which was amazing. My body was so low on fuel at this point; I was only allowed sips of water and limited ice chips here and there.

Somewhere between 12:30-1:00 PM my contractions definitely started picking up. They weren't unbearable, but they were coming pretty close together. We timed them for a little bit and realized I was contracting every 2-3 minutes so I wasn't getting much time in between them to relax. The doctor checked me again in this time period and I'd progressed to 5cm. I was so excited that we were halfway there! Things were going how they should be going!

Soon after that check is when I felt the contractions get more painful so we had our parents head down to the waiting room for awhile. I brought up the epidural to Jared and his response was "Really!? You want it now??" He didn't mean it in a negative way, but he later told me he had no idea how much pain I was in at that point because I was handling it so well. Proud moment. Honestly, every contraction I had at that point I just closed my eyes, focused on breathing through it and got really quiet each time.

I figured I'd made it to a 5+ at that point, I'd get the epidural process started so I let our nurse know I was going to want one. She said she'd get the anesthesiologist as soon as they were done with another patient. Nothing about the epidural really scared me, to me it was just another step in the right direction of having this baby! The anesthesiologist came in around 2:30 P.M. and that process was pretty quick and painless. She was sweet and worked quickly to avoid sticking me with a giant needle right in the middle of a contraction. It started working pretty quickly and I got the weird itchy belly reaction and tingly legs/feet but I wasn't completely numb which I thought was a good thing.

The doctor said my contractions were "beautiful" and she didn't feel the need to up my pitocin anymore at that point- yay! Pitocin was never something I wanted so the less of it I needed, the better. The only concern at this point was that Tyler's head wasn't quite in the right position. He was head down, but it was turned just enough that it would affect delivery. They had me lay on my side with a giant "peanut ball" between my legs and said to stay there until the next check to see if we could get him to move.

As uncomfortable as that was, I complied and we found Jurassic World on the TV to try to distract us a little longer. I texted a couple friends to let them know how things were going, Jared updated our family in the waiting room and we just tried to continue to be patient. My mom actually brought me a magazine from the gift shop because I'd told her I was bored. It had been a long, slow process so far and I honestly thought we still had a long night ahead of us. Let's just say, I didn't get to read that magazine...

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