What happens when you take an unplanned week off from blogging? Well- you rehash your weekend in the easiest way possible in an attempt to revive said blog. I'm telling you what, I don't know how I ever did the whole 5-posts-a-week-thing. How did I even think of that many things to write about, let alone set the time aside to do it?! I'd like to post a little more regularly here but I doubt I'll ever be back to that kinda' blogging again. Enough rambling- here's to my my weekend, broken down in number form.
1-2: The Bengals record. Yuck.
2-1: My fantasy football record in both leagues I'm competing in.
0: Number of days Jared had football games/practice. His team basically had the week off because of an 8th grade class trip; I was so thankful for the extra time with him this week!
3: Number of football games Jared's team has left. Thank goodness. I am ready to have him home for dinner at a decent hour every night again :)
25: Diapers changed (a rough estimate... those blur together pretty quickly)
5: Rounds of Rummy Jared and I played. We have an on-going game of Rummy that we continually add to whenever we play. We call it our "Million Point Game" because it's our goal to play it that long! Pst- currently I'm in the lead.
8: Rounds of Mario Kart Wii played. We had our BIL/SIL over Friday night for some mexican take-out and game night in.
6: Inches of hair I cut off. Okay, technically this was the week before but I never shared an obligatory post-haircut selfie so did it really count? It's nothing crazy but it definitely feels so much lighter and better. Hoping it will also help with the amount of shedding I do- sheesh!
1.5: Hours spent at Lowes by myself. Saturday I ran out to do some errands and let myself wander for a while in one of my favorite stores. We are trying to prioritize some house projects we'd like to get started on so I was doing some field research ;) There are a lot of things we want to update, just a matter of what order to do them in and how long it will take to budget for each of them.
4: Month old baby of mine. Today T is FOUR months old. How, I don't know?! I think he's weighing in around 15 pounds but I'll know for sure later this week when we go to the doctor. He still sleeps 11-12 hours straight every night. No teeth yet but I think we're in the early stages of teething. Loves music of all kind but totally recognizes Adele the quickest- probably from the 3,000 times I listened to her CD while I was pregnant. Every day it seems like he does something new and we are loving watching him grow! I cannot wait to see what the next month brings :)
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