
Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016

Bring on the Weekend

One of my Home Goods finds the other day.

Happy Friday, everyone! After surviving a miserable migraine last night I am SO ready for this weekend. I really don't get migraines very often, maybe a couple times a year but last night's was brutal. It started coming on around 3pm and I finally felt better around 8pm. Let me just say this- it's bad enough to have your head hurt, but trying to take care of a little baby while your head hurts? OMG. Here's to hoping I don't have to deal with that again for a very long time. 

Jared and I have a free weekend, but also have some exciting things on the calendar for the next few days. Our neighborhood has a little Halloween fest that we plan to check out tomorrow. Am I a terrible person if we don't put T in a costume this year? I thought about getting him one but they are honestly too expensive for something he'll likely have on for a couple of hours this year. Heck, he goes to bed before Trick-or-Treating even starts and we don't have any parties to go to this year. If I see a cute pair of Halloween pj's I might snag those for him to wear but that's about it.

We also are having a contractor come out to the house to do some measurements for one of the house projects I mentioned we were getting started on. I am super pumped about the changes and updates that are to come! Other than those couple of things though, we are hoping for time to get some fall yardwork done, drop off more donation boxes (YES!) and do some major meal prepping. By the way, I made these baked chicken tenders this week and they were phenomenal.

Are the temperatures jumping back up again where you live? We've had temperatures down in the 60s all week but the next few days we're going right back up to 80. Ohio, you are so weird. ;) Today's post is short and sweet because I've got a squishy little boy to play with and then a coffee date to get to. Enjoy your weekend, friends!

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