
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Momma Gets Fit

I mentioned it last month at some point, but Jared and I recently signed up and completed another DietBet together. We'd participated in these challenges a couple years ago and decided it was a great time to get motivated again. Post-baby me was finally ready to take control of my health and fitness once and for all. I'm happy to say we WON our DietBet. I even lost a little more weight than required which felt awesome. It wast seriously just what I needed to start feeling better about myself again. 
If you've never done one before, you essentially just put money into a "pot" and if you reach your goal (Lose 4% in 1 month) you get your money back plus a little bit of winnings. The winnings come in from anyone who didn't meet their goal. That money gets divided up among winners. So while it's not likely you'll get rich doing DietBet, having money on the line is a motivator for me. I definitely don't want to lose my money... and if I make an extra $10-15 that's great too! 

Once we started our month-long DietBet it really motivated us to get movin' more and also to say no to treats and sweets too. Month after month I kept using the excuse of, "Well, we have a new baby! It's okay to eat out or not exercise..." Sure, that's okay to some extent, but if I kept doing that I was going to end up at 500 pounds ;) Our DietBet helped us slap those step counters back on and helped us get excited about healthy meal options again.

I still have a ways to go to meet my ultimate fitness goals so we decided to sign up for another challenge this month too. If you want to join me in the challenge you can sign up for the game I'm doing here. You still have time to weigh-in and the final weigh-in is right before Thanksgiving. Perfect timing if you ask me ;) By the way, I get absolutely nothing for sharing about this- I just believe in the game and it makes losing weight a little more fun. I also love following them on Instagram for awesome success stories and fun/funny motivational posts.

This month, in addition to the changes we made last month, I am going to TRULY make a huge effort to cut out most sugar from my diet. Just typing that makes me scared because this girl loves her sweets- but I know it'll be worth it if I can do it! What are your fitness goals over the next month or so? Anyone else trying to shed some pounds before the pumpkin pie starts rolling out?? :)

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